Director and Sedation Expert
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We provide IV Conscious Sedation in adults and children both in dental and out of hospital clinics by titrating IV sedatives in combination with appropriate analgesia if needed. During the procedure the patient is able to respond if needed but will be in a sleepy (drowsy) state, hence the patient is very unlikely to recall any events during the procedure.
If you are concerned that a patient or parent’s anxiety might get in the way of the procedure that needs to be done, then sedation might be the solution. Our expert team are here to help answer your questions and book appointments. Once booked our team will conduct a telephone consultation before their appointment to discuss their MH and instructions.
Sedation is a perfect solution for patients who feel anxious or panicked about their procedure. It is also an option for patients who struggle to cope with minor procedures, e.g. learning difficulties, autism and dementia.
With conscious sedation the patient will always be able to breathe, cough, move and swallow. These reflexes stay intact, and we monitor the patient very closely to avoid the patient falling into a deep sedation.
On the other hand, General Anaesthetic (GA) can only be administered in a hospital setting. Here the patient is completely unconscious, paralysed and intubated. Full theatre staff and anaesthetic staff are required for GA.
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Some children are too anxious to face the dentist and might not be suitable for inhalation sedation, e.g. after an attempt at inhalation sedation has failed.
We can screen children who might be suitable for IV sedation and this would avoid an invasive procedure, like general anaesthesia, for a minor procedure like an extraction/filling of a deciduous tooth.
Since 1999, general anaesthesia may only be done in hospital settings, therefore in an operating theatre with an anaesthetist who would have to intubate and ventilate the child.
IV sedation is less invasive than a general anaesthetic and the recovery is much quicker. We offer IV sedation for suitable children with a highly experienced and equipped team.
We offer IV sedation to suitable children. IV sedation is successful
for the majority of anxious children, but dentists usually offer gas and air as a first option.
This service would include a telephone consultation with the parent and spending an hour with the nurse before the appointment to build a rapport and apply numbing cream.
We will also spend time with the child as they recover, following the procedure, before they can go home.
As IV paediatric sedations are more time consuming, and also require the presence of a nurse, the fees are slightly higher than for adults
Conscious sedation is a combination of medicines to help you relax (a sedative) and to block pain (an anaesthetic) during a medical or dental procedure. You are likely to fall asleep during the procedure and highly unlikely to remember having the procedure. Sedation is safer than general anaesthetic as you can still breathe, cough, swallow and move during the procedure.
Concious sedation is therefore the safest option if you do not
want to be awake during minor procedures out of hospital.
Ultra-short acting sedation!
For a small additional fee per hour we can now offer this newer Benzodiazepine, which rapidly gets broken down in the tissues, and not dependent on kidney or liver function. The patient will still need an appropriate escort to take them home. Please contact us for more information about this.
Patients who would like to be sedated are welcome to ask their doctor or dentist to contact us for more details.
Dentists, Doctors or Oral surgeons who wish to perform minor procedures under sedation are welcome to contact us for more details.
Any minor procedure can be done under conscious sedation:
Patients who are healthy and have well controlled medical conditions e.g. diabetes, hypertension and asthma, are suitable for sedation (ASA I and II). Patients with significant or uncontrolled conditions e.g. severe heart disease, morbid obesity, need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us if you are unsure or have unusual cases and we will advise appropriately.
For safety reasons everyone is required to have an escort.
Advanced Sedation Ltd have always required an escort, this is reflected on our instructions to patients as well as requiring an escort signature before discharge. We sincerely apologise about the incorrect information that was previously shown on our website.
Speak to us to find out how we can help to put your patient at ease
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